Our Vision

The planning, development, management and regulation of transmission networks presents ever increasing challenges for the electricity supply industry to ensure that this critical infrastructure meets the needs of the entire community. These challenges have been exacerbated by the rapid changes experienced as part of the ongoing transformation of the power system, with renewable energy generating systems making up an increasingly large proportion of the energy supply. More than any other infrastructure, the strategies adopted to manage, develop and regulate the transmission system are driven by the technical characteristics of the commodity it delivers; electricity.

GSMT is a specialist electrical networks consulting firm, focused on assisting Network Service Providers including AEMO, regulators and major Network Users develop and execute strategies for managing and connecting to electricity supply networks. GSMT has experienced and highly knowledgeable partners with specialist engineering capability to provide technical expertise for network investigation, planning, modelling and testing to help our clients execute their strategy and achieve their objectives

Our Profile

GSMT Consulting has been established by key people with deep technical knowledge and experience in power system planning, modelling and testing. GMST staff have undertaken feasibility studies, connection studies, commissioning and R2 testing for numerous generator and load connections across the NEM, spanning thermal, reciprocating engine, gas turbine, wind and large-scale solar PV generators. GSMT staff have specialised knowledge in all areas of power system analysis and control, including load flow, dynamics (both RMS and EMT), small signal stability, controller tuning, power quality and generator testing and model validation, with expert-level capability in the relevant software packages used by all major NEM participants (including PSS/E, PSCAD, PowerFactory and Mudpack). GSMT staff have many years of experience working both with and for network service providers and AEMO, as well as acting as consultants to generators, equipment manufacturers and EPC contractors. This unique perspective makes GSMT particularly well placed to advise and support clients seeking to connect to and interact with the electricity supply network

Our Capability

GSMT provides the following transmission network planning and investigation services:

  • Long-term (10+ years) strategic network development planning.
  • Short-term (0-5 years) technical and economic planning analysis to support network augmentation projects.
  • Connection studies in relation to major load and generation (renewables, conventional coal and gas fired generation as well large-scale battery storage).
  • Development of tactical plans to address reactive support.Development of Limit Equations and Constraint Equation formulation as part of large network augmentation.
  • Generating system testing, model validation, commissioning hold point approvals and associated negotiations for all types of generating systems (Solar Farms, Wind Turbines, Gas Turbines, Coal and reciprocating engines).

Technical investigations including: Load-flow and Fault Studies

  • Network and Generator Stability Analysis (RMS, EMT and small signal stability) System analysis to support frequency operating standards
  • Determination of optimal unit size for the system
  • Excitation system and Power System Stabiliser (PSS) tuning
  • Tuning the PPC and Inverter control systems of renewable generating systems (solar PV, Wind Farms, Battery Banks) to achieve the NER performance requirements
  • Power Quality modelling and assessment, onsite measurement and analysis
  • Dynamic model development in all major software packages (PSS/E, PowerFactory, PSCAD and Mudpack) and model acceptance testing.
  • Generator technical performance standard evaluation – specifically regulatory GPS development, negotiations and due-diligence.
  • Network capacity investigation for major network users, including generators and large loads.
  • System strength impact assessment and mitigation.
  • Presenting technical training courses and workshops, customised to suit client needs.

GSMT utilises the following software applications; PSS/E, PSS/SINCAL, PSCAD, PowerFactory, Mudpack, MATLAB and Simulink and has experience with a variety of measurement equipment, including Hioki high speed data recorders, Labview based systems, Elspec Power Quality meters and Tabula.

The GSMT Difference

Transmission networks provide the backbone of the electricity supply network and their performance drives the underlying efficiency of the power system to deliver energy to users, and to facilitate economic and social development. GSMT’s specialist focus on assisting organisations who own, manage and regulate transmission networks, as well as major network users, provides a valuable and unique resource to clients. The combination of technical expertise, strategic analytical capability and a focus on assisting clients achieve their objectives ensures that GSMT can add significant value to project and organisation teams.